2019, The Year of Yes.

In November 2018, I had already started thinking of the new year resolutions. Normally around this time, my sense of self and introspection are in full gear. As I was going through this exercise, I realized how much I had missed the mark for the 2018 resolutions,  a lot was happening, so many missed opportunities and overwhelming uncertainties. At the center of it all, I was getting ready to welcome our first child to the world. Basically, I was a fine cocktail of emotions. I felt bad, I felt good,  I laughed, I cried, and I had no idea why I was doing any of that. I couldn't explain ME to ME!

Coincidentally, I started reading "Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes. I did so initially because I watched Shonda's shows, all the series, episode after episode, and because her work is so good, that it simply leaves me in awe! In a random conversation, my sister in law mentioned the book, I bought it and READ it religiously. I cannot begin to tell you how this book touched my soul. It really felt as though every paragraph was meant for me. I then made a decision, instead of starting with the new year resolutions, I was going to make a list of all the things I was going to say Yes to.

The truth in this book is overwhelming. No lie detected 😊.
You are reading this blog, because I finally said Yes to something I planned on doing since 2014. Writing. Four years, friends! Who procrastinates for four years?

I am going to say Yes to whatever makes me happy, and things that give me strength  and joy. I am saying Yes to being part of initiatives and causes that I find worthy. I am going to remind myself of all the things I can do, I will not allow anyone to dent my confidence, I need it now more than ever,  I will soon be raising a girl in this crazy world. I want to say yes to myself, celebrate my success without feeling bad, or thinking that someone else might be hurt. There is alot to unpack here, but this will be a topic for another blog. 

All these negative vibes are staying behind, and whoever is the carrier of more negativity will be told off and not necessarily with words. My attitude towards that person will do the trick, a clear indication that I have chosen my peace. This year, I will dare being free. 😄. That's right. Bearing in mind that freedom comes in different variables to different people, I am still defining the parameters but I will live by the rules I will set. 
What is freedom? Is it that you would like to express yourself more? or do you want to put a stop to the job you hate and suffocates you? is it that hair cut you have always wanted, the shorts you are scared to wear, is it that nose piercing you have always wanted? Is it the hijab you want or...would you want to embrace your body and rock that bikini? Is it that you want to end an abusive relationship or do you just want to be free from the hate that has been eating you up? Could it be your mind that no longer tolerates the expectations placed in you? What is freedom?

This book is a reminder that it is ok to start today. Even though I would gladly swallow a procrastination pill if it was readily available. Go see that friend, make that phone call, spend time with your mother, hit the gym, remember the savings plan? how about that book? When will you start reading it? Your thesis is not yet finished, you said you will climb Bisoke or Kilimanjaro, you promised (to yourself at least) that you will eat better, reduce salt and sugar, how far are you? You want to grow spiritually, you want to change your attitude towards a million things...You can start. When I start saying yes to myself, the promise land is not a final destination, it is the journey. 
Baby steps, we shall get there... but this is the time to start. (For me at least 😜). If you are saying Yes to your mental health, Yes to loving your body, Yes to spending time with the loved ones, Yes to chasing and building memories, Yes to securing that bag and YES to being a better person this year, YES to FREEDOM, I am in your team.

Thank you for reading VoG,

Much love,

Happy new year, welcome to February, 2019.



  1. Not just this blog, i started by loving your voice, your positive vibe and attitude , i once saw you kwa Lando, i didn't know your face but i heard your voice and i was like that is Ginty ��, it was back in 2012 or 2013..... well i had to drop this here to tell you how much you inspire me. Your boldness ni isi. Thank you. From now on i say yes to being a better person, and yes to spending time with my loved one,and with positive people. So i am in your team. ������

    1. Thank you so much. This means a lot. We are in the same team. Stay in touch.

  2. Yes to loving my body and start wearing short sleeve blouses!, yes to spiritual growth, yes to eating well, yes to saving. and yes to you Ginty this is helpful now am on fire, where do i get the book?

    1. Awesome, thank you for reading and saying Yes to yourself. You should have an army behind you for good peer pressure! I bought it in Nairobi, but I guess you can find it here if you are in KGL. Or you could just borrow! ;-)!

  3. Beautiful piece. And big ups to the HUGE responsibility of even daring to say YES. Can't wait to read more of all the 2014 procrastinated stuff lol. You're onto something!

    1. In 'Let's do it' spirit right now. More is coming.

  4. Thanks for this Ginty, i am sure i am one of those who have to take this procrastination pill...
    What about changing my mind about the sufficating job.Courage mwana fellow physio��.Writing is a great thing,i want to be a non clinical physio and why not writing about this ?! Aim high girl, happy to have met you in my life. Always proud of you

  5. A BIG YES TO:
    -Overcoming my fears
    -I can do it no matter what
    -A positive attitude
    -Keep on working on my goals, one by one
    -Reading more books
    -A healthy lifestyle
    -Start writing
    -Spending time with people who bring out the best
    -Quality time with my loved ones
    YES for a sharing a cup of coffee with you����we can make it happen. Much Love♥️

  6. Gintyia wacu thank you very much for being such inspiration to the most of us #I Am Your Team Ginty #Yes to no fearing taking risk in business, #Yes to pardon those who hurt me, #Yes to everything that keeps me positive #Ginty ngukunda kuva kera ukorana n'umugabo witwaga MC Lee

  7. In fact you are talking about my YES resolutions......... Thanks for fueling me to push harder

  8. Indeed, YES! Incredible write up, full of positivity!
    #BookClubMate ❤️❤️❤️.


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