I have failed to join the 5AM club


I dozed off after putting my daughter to sleep. I had been careful to set my alarm to go off a few minutes before midnight, just in case I don’t wake up. I had booked a podcast interview with a writer who is in California. The time difference is huge. Soonest the alarm went off, I sneaked out of bed and started prepping for my interview. My plan was simple. Get on the call, do the usual introduction, scene-setting, ice breaking, for 10 min, and get into the questions which will take me an average of 20 min, say bye to each other. It would then take me about 5 min to save the show for editing later. I should be in bed at 12.45 or 12.50 latest. 

While waiting for my guest to connect on zoom, I googled, time in PST now, just to check once again, and realized the interview is tomorrow. Not today. I had one job. To google PST time once more before I set up the call. Anyway, that is not the story. What I found interesting in all that is how alive I felt. It was quiet, I had this burst of energy, my mind was at peace and the ideas were flowing with an impeccable sense of clarity.  So, I thought I would take this as an opportunity to work instead of going back to bed. It felt great. 

I have been trying to fight the idea of working late at night, first because there is too much literature that discourages it. But also, because deep inside, I have always wanted to join the 5AM club. The people who wake up early, go to the gym, read a book, hydrate, and are ready for work at 7 or 8AM! What a wonderful way of living. Must be nice! So, why has my body or my mind refused to adjust? And it is strange, but I don’t even feel bad for failing. 

Interestingly, right at the beginning of my career, I was hosting a breakfast show. At 6, right a the top of the hour, the first link was open,  in a clear voice, I had to wish a warm welcome to all the listeners. This meant that I was up latest at 4.45AM. I loved my job but never felt the joy of waking up early. While I think and believe that there are very many benefits ( some scientifically proven, apparently) of being part of this exclusive club, I honestly think that we are made differently and should all be able to explore what works best for us without feeling like we are missing out on the best part of life. 

So…I have made a new decision. I am going to listen to myself more. My body, mind, and soul (not sure what this is yet). Get to understand what works best for me and try to make it work as much as I can. I am not in total control of my time, but that is my long-term goal. (I also think that the future of work will consider these settings). This of course doesn’t mean that I will be insensitive to other people’s body-mind time zones or cancel important professional Rendez-vous scheduled at 7AM East Africa time, but the idea that I need to wake up at 5 AM to get my life in order is being laid to rest. I would love to tell you more stories, but I really have to go. It is now 01:25 and I have a draft concept note to finish. I will go ahead and get started.



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