
Showing posts from February, 2019

A letter to my Father

Before I get started with matters I created this blog for, I feel compelled to clear a few things that occupy my mind, so that I can create enough space. Well…so to speak.  I would like to write a letter to my father, If only it could be delivered to him. I wonder if people who have left our world see us, and get sad or happy for us?! Dad. I would spend weeks collecting details so that I don’t miss a thing. I think that the main thing he would love to know is that we are home, in Rwanda. See, my father believed that one day eventually, all Rwandans will have the right to be in their country and live together. He just didn’t know it would happen as soon as 1994; I mean he had been in exile since the 70’s,  had he known, maybe he would have negotiated for more days, maybe he would have cheated death for just one more year, maybe…he would have been more careful just to see this…maybe! I will let you into the content of my letter in the following lines. Dad and I, in

2019, The Year of Yes.

In November 2018, I had already started thinking of the new year resolutions. Normally around this time, my sense of self and introspection are in full gear. As I was going through this exercise, I realized how much I had missed the mark for the 2018 resolutions,  a lot was happening, so many missed opportunities and overwhelming uncertainties. At the center of it all, I was getting ready to welcome our first child to the world. Basically, I was a fine cocktail of emotions. I felt bad, I felt good,  I laughed, I cried, and I had no idea why I was doing any of that. I couldn't explain ME to ME! Coincidentally, I started reading "Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes. I did so initially because I watched Shonda's shows, all the series, episode after episode, and because her work is so good, that it simply leaves me in awe! In a random conversation, my sister in law mentioned the book, I bought it and READ it religiously. I cannot begin to tell you how this book touched my sou